
Realizing a Dream at the Weddings concept

ImageDo you still remember childhood, when you still learn and play in the environment around you? Or, you have a dream a dream of the most beautiful, the most you remember when fast asleep. In fact, let us say frankly, if in any conscious state, you imagine the future that a lot of changes from the present. That is what happened between us all, also between the client and me. At the meeting, various options and explanations already exist on the table and ready to be presented. When berdiskusipun, he wants to tell his dream to me. Then I listened. The story is like this: "I have a dream long ago, I was in life under the sea. At the bottom of the sea, the scenery is so beautiful, rich color. Lots of friends there that I know, more than friends in the land. Throughout the dream, I felt familiar with the underwater scenery as though I would never there before. On the sea floor is also a city like Jakarta. I call it the city's legendary for its antique look and colorful. I can swim freely and without limit of space. If you're close to sea level, I can see light and water so clear, bright, blue Marina "

This is the dream of her childhood dreams at once. Even when waktupun, he hopes to be there and repeat back the same memories. I also gave them know him that I had something similar. He was very enthusiastic, want to hear my story. I dream like this:

"I was in a place far from cities and crowds. My house is just like a palace in the middle of a vast meadow with lots of big trees. The place where I could walk along the row of large trees, see the leaves of red maple leaves fall from trees, then sit for a while in the shade of the tree. I imagine that moment of autumn, right near the woods with all-green plant large plants. Even I could feel that I was an adventurer who always been there. In the middle of the woods there is also a waterfall and small lake, but also look shiny. Not because the water is clear, but because in the vicinity of the lake there is an orange stone boulder that glittered in the sunlight. Breathing fresh air, hear the birds singing birds around me, and there are some other animals such as rabbits, squirrels, horses ....."

Imagine, between the client and I have similarities. Similar is that we have a dream that carried over into the dream when we sleep. Not that it's not real. Some of us do something in their daily lives, then it matters relating it carried over into the dream. No matter whatever it is, matters relating to the time that is past or future. I could tell him that we can make it happen, because we could still move and blessed. Then I started planning a new plan to create a concept for her wedding, the factors of good and bad, from beginning to end. He also agreed with me that this option best suited to him, so I can develop it further with structured and sturdy. He many times to thank me for sharing the story and make the concept of marriage becomes real. After that I close encounter.

If you have a dream and dreams, then you are not one of them. I have spoken at the beginning of the story. There are billions of people the world over there while I was here. Some of them have the same experience and have shared stories with me. Sometimes the question may arise in our mind, Do they all have to realize their dream come true? Although some of us may not know the answer at all. Even better just thinking about positive things than negative. Not that there is no choice. Precisely the option exists so that everyone of you can set the path of each option. If you choose not to realize your dreams, then nothing is harmed in this. However, slightly more ye be burdened. Because it concerns your own life. Therefore, should not hesitate to say AGREE and make it happen. That way you can stand up straight and proud through your day today.

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