Asian Wedding Traditions
* Indonesia may be countries in Asia are the most abundant, because there are many different wedding traditions carried out in accordance with the customs of a region respectively. Some use custom Java, stepping on an egg, break the jug, and pouring ceremony. There are also traditional Sundanese, such as wedding ceremonies and Ardie Bakrie Nia Ramadhani, adapula Kabau Minang adat, customary Madura, which if discussed one by one to an article it will never be enough.
* The second Eksotika country is brought to you by sunrise, or also known as Japanese nationals. If possible in our country, purple is known as 'color widow', unlike the case with there. At the wedding, the bride Indonesia will not want to wear a purple wedding dress, most of them chose the color white, or shades of kebaya different colors, and are definitely not purple. However, Japan considers purple, the color of love, where the traditional wedding ceremony, the bride will choose a bernuansakan purple silk kimono with flower patterns on it. The ceremony was then performed in the Shinto tradition, which is 'We', the highest god of Shinto give thanks to the bride and groom to take on new life as husband and wife.
* If Japan chose the color purple, the Chinese chose the color red as a symbol of luck, love and happiness. On their wedding gown, no rimple or beads of pearls. But the phoenix is a bird, chrysanthemums, and peonies (rose family) which was applied to a golden color on the bride's dress as a symbol of prosperity and luck. And the groom dress, pinned a black silk jacket embroidered with a dragon that looks dashing along the wedding dress. And unique, the Chinese wedding tradition is always colored by the festive sound of firecrackers hanging on a rope length at the door of the house. That said, the tradition was committed to expel evil spirits who want to disrupt their marriage ceremony. The sound of roaring firecrackers make demons of fear and reluctantly approached.
* In Korea, in its ancient tradition, couples can not marry without passing forecasters future first. So after they were dating, the prospective groom will give seserahan first. Then, came the day they met a kung-hap, an astrologer, who will see the future of both the prospective bride. If after all future visits bad, kung-phase completion will find a way for wedding couples can still run. With notes, a family willing to accept and carry out all the prerequisites. But if the family objected and did not want to continue the marriage, then the engagement will leave it at that. Korean people's trust to luck is big enough, for that they will live happily ever predicted the future will hold large-scale wedding. Even the Korean-style wedding tradition is said to cost approximately U.S. $ 40 thousand, as quoted by the world wedding traditions.
* In the ancient tradition of the Philippines, the prospective groom would throw and stick the spear in front of the house of the bride. It is intended as a sign that he has revealed the contents of his heart, and woo the girl became his wife. Thus, another man is not allowed to interfere with their relationship.
* The ceremony is not done just one day, but the ancient Filipinos held a wedding ceremony three days. When saying a promise of marriage, their hands would be tied by a ribbon or string, which represents those already united and nothing can separate.
* This is what the Indian tradition. Both the bride and groom will be locked in the house and not allowed to meet a few days before their wedding. If they are forced to meet, then it is a bad omen that will bring bad luck to them.
* At the time of the wedding ceremony, bride's parents wash the feet of the bride and groom with milk and water. Traditions are made to cleanse and purify both partners so that they are more quiet life together. Both bride and then will join hands with a grain of rice, wheat and green leaves in the palm of his hands as a symbol of prosperity, health and happiness in their household.